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Discover How to Induce Labor Naturally With Raspberry Leaf Tea
If you are pregnant and want to learn how to have a minimally painful, fast and speedy delivery, then you need to read this post.
I’m going to share with you my secret to having a natural, minimally painful and fast delivery and the exact steps I took to accidentally have the easiest labor and delivery experience ever.
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It doesn’t matter whether you are a first-time mom or have given birth before. This method can be helpful for all expectant mothers who want to have a fast and easy birthing experience.
In order to truly understand just how powerful this method can be, I highly recommend you read Leo’s crazy birth story.
His birth was literally like the movie births which are never realistic. I never imagined crowning while trying to use the bathroom but that is just how fast it all happened. Wild.
Trust me, this story will not disappoint and you have to read it to believe it.
After hearing about Leo’s birth, the question I get asked the most is how on earth did I manage to deliver my baby so quickly and easily?
I could not believe how easy and smooth my birthing experience was. Neither could my doctors. Nobody saw it coming.
My doctor said it was a medical anomaly a first-time mom to experience such a short, fast and easy labor and delivery.
My son’s birth took less than two hours. He was delivered naturally, without any medical intervention.
I know this sounds completely crazy but I experienced almost no pain at all during labor and delivery.
Can you even imagine?
Immediately after I drank the tea, using the method below, my water broke, and my son was in my arms in less than 2 hours from my first contraction.
The doctors and nurses that delivered Leo had a hard time believing this was my first time giving birth.
I barely had time to make it to the hospital and was pretty close to giving birth on the highway! Fun times!
Leo’s birth was very fast and a bit scary only because I was not prepared for having a fast and natural birthing experience.
My mindset was that I was going to have plenty of time to deliver my baby and that I was definitely going to need an epidural.
All my friends told me that I would need an epidural because the pain would be unbearable but I am here to tell you that you can absolutely have a natural birth with very little pain.
There are so many different things you can do to prepare your mind and body for a natural birth.
This method is just one small but important part of ensuring that you have a smooth labor and delivery experience.
My labor and delivery experience has taught me several lessons that I want to share with you, so that you will go into the delivery room prepared and confident.
The beauty of using this method is that it is:
Doctor and Midwife Approved
By the end of this blog post, you will exactly how to use Raspberry Leaf Tea to strengthen your uterus in order to make your birthing experience as fast and easy as possible.
Let’s dive in!
What is Raspberry Leaf Tea?
Women have been using Raspberry Leaf Tea for a long time to improve and strengthen the reproductive system as this tea has been linked to better reproductive health and is often referred to as the woman’s herb.
This tea is made from (you guessed it!) the leaves from raspberry plants and packed with nutrients.
Before we move on, let me answer the most important question of all; does this tea taste nasty like many other herbal teas?
Surprisingly, no!
When sweetened with a bit of honey and a squeeze of lemon, this tea is actually pretty tasty unlike many herbal teas.
However, just because I think it tastes good, doesn’t mean it will taste good to you.
Modify ingredients to make the tea taste good to you.
It probably won’t make you want to gag while pregnant, which is a great bonus!
Who Should Drink Raspberry Leaf Tea?
If you are pregnant, then it is recommended to wait until the 2nd or 3rd trimester to start drinking raspberry leaf tea.
Drinking this tea in the first trimester can lead to contractions and possibly miscarriage so consult your doctor before consumption.
You should ONLY drink this tea to induce labor if you meet ALL three of the criteria below:
Have clearance from your doctor
Want a fast and natural delivery
If you can check off all of the requirements listed above, and you want to learn how to induce labor with Raspberry Leaf Tea, then keep reading!
I’m not guaranteeing results, but this tea is worth a shot if you’re out of options and don’t want to go the induction route.
From what my friends have told me, Pitocin can be a nightmare, so this might be a better, more natural alternative to get things going.
I drink the Traditional Medicinals brand of Raspberry Leaf Tea, which is very popular and quite tasty.
Benefits of Drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea
This tea is full of some seriously good stuff. It is rich and vitamins and minerals that can boost reproductive health.
Some of the essential vitamins are:
- Contains antioxidant properties (1)
- Beta Carotene and Vitamin A which helps our immune systems.
- Vitamin C which helps fight off viruses and helps with the absorption of other vitamins.
- Potassium which helps keep our hearts healthy.
- Vitamin E which helps repair skin and reduces stress and anxiety.
- Calcium which helps our muscles relax.
- Vitamin B Complex which increases energy and contributes to weight loss.
- RLT also contains iron, niacin, magnesium, selenium, zinc, phosphorus and astringent healing properties.
Whoa! It’s pretty awesome.
Raspberry Leaf Tea For Fertility
Does this tea help women that are trying to conceive boost their fertility?
Yes, the properties in this tea can help women trying to conceive. Having a healthy and robust uterus is always a good start when trying to conceive.
Since the tea helps to strengthen and tone the uterus, chances of fertilization may be improved. A stronger uterus means a healthier home for baby to grow in.
Raspberry Leaf Tea is a very nutrient-rich herb which can help your body fill in some nutritional gaps, thereby making your body the perfect little home to grow a baby for 10 months.
This tea ea might be a great way to prepare for pregnancy by getting your uterus in tip-top shape while also giving your body a little boost of nutrition and antioxidants.
Raspberry Leaf Tea For Labor
Raspberry Leaf Tea strengthens the uterine muscles, which can help speed up labor while also reducing labor pains.
However, it can also bring on contractions, which is why most doctors will suggest drinking this tea only after reaching the 3rd trimester or after 32-34 weeks.
Although this tea is completely natural, it is still a powerful herb. I would recommend drinking it once per day at 32 weeks (with clearance from your doctor) and increasing your intake to twice per day after 37 weeks.
You can also drink it during labor to help speed things up.
Raspberry Leaf Tea For Postpartum Healing
You just gave birth, you magnificent, glorious, birth-giving, life-creating supermom!
The last thing you want is a nasty cold or infection while trying to bond with your amazing new baby.
RLT can boost your immune system and fight infections since it is packed with vitamin C and antibacterial properties. Raspberry Leaf Tea might also help your uterus shrink back into its pre-baby state.
This tea can also help reduce postpartum bleeding and inflammation.
Lastly, all the goodness in the tea can boost milk supply! A huge bonus for breastfeeding mamas! Every little bit helps, right? All great reasons to keep drinking this tea after your sweet baby arrives.Raspberry Leaf Tea for Endometriosis:
The tannins in the tea contribute to its astringent properties which can help reduce inflammation. The calcium found in RLT can also help muscles relax.
Raspberry Leaf Tea For Health Benefits
RLT is found on so many lists of healthy drinks and for good reason.
It has many essential vitamins and minerals that our bodies need. Due to the potassium in the tea, it can boost heart health and lower high blood pressure.
This tea can also help keep your skin looking vibrant and be a good drink to sip on if trying to lose a bit of weight.
At the very least, it gives you an excuse to take a few minutes and have some “tea-time” all to yourself!
Recap of all the reasons you should consider adding Raspberry Leaf Tea benefits:
- Boosts immunity and nutrition levels
- Helps to prevent infections
- Boosts heart health
- Balances hormones
- Boosts Fertility
- Strengthens and tones uterus
- Makes labor more efficient and less painful
- Boosts breastmilk production
- Can help with painful periods
- Helps with postpartum healing
- Aids with digestion issues
- Reduces inflammation
- Helps repair skin
- Contributes to weight loss
Step-by-step Guide: How to Induce Labor with Raspberry Leaf Tea
This is exactly how I prepared and drank Raspberry Leaf Tea which unintentionally kickstarted my labor.
I was drinking one to two cups of Raspberry Leaf Tea once I entered the 3rd trimester.
On the night Leo was born, I made myself a nice, steaming cup of RLT and accidentally let it steep for several hours.
I have a very bad habit of always forgetting to drink my tea and coffee.
I then remembered to drink it just downed it in one go (in under ten seconds).
Never did I think that herbal tea could be so powerful but it was. Before I knew it, my baby was crowning in a hospital bathroom!
That is how my fascination with this tea started.
I believe that this tea helped to strengthen my uterus. Honestly, my natural birth was bearable. I didn’t cry, scream or even make a sound.
My uterus felt strong. Like how my arms feel after doing several sets of bicep curls. I think the tea helped with that.
The recommended time on the box for steeping Raspberry Leaf Tea is 15 minutes.
However, if you are desperate to get things moving, follow the instructions below:
Pack your hospital bag
Ensure you are prepared to go into labor (freezer meals prepped, child-care arranged, etc)
Make sure you are near a hospital, doula, midwife or birthing professional
Make Raspberry Leaf Tea steep for two hours or more (my tea was steeped for three hours)
Drink the tea in one go. Just down it!
Wait 4-6 hours to see if contractions start
Repeat every 8 hours until contractions start (which is 3 cups of very strong Raspberry Leaf Tea per day)
Final Thoughts on using Raspberry Leaf Tea to Induce Labor
Following these steps might help you have a faster and less painful birth, without all the trauma that I endured. Yay!
Only do this once you are overdue and have clearance from your doctor to induce birth and tell your doctor this is what you plan on doing.
I make no promises. Every pregnancy and body is different.
However, if you are a desperate mama that is extremely uncomfortable in those last few agonizing days of pregnancy, and want nothing more than for your sweet baby to finally be in your arms, then this tea just might do the trick!
Happy birthing!
Do you have any tried and tested tricks to help induce labor naturally? If you do, I would love to hear about how you went into labor and your birth story. Share your tricks and stories in the comments below!
While you’re here, check out my other pregnancy and postpartum related posts
9 Best Ways to Induce Labor Naturally at Home
The Ultimate Minimalist Hospital Bag Checklist
How to Increase Your Breast Milk Supply Overnight With These 10 Drinks
November 7, 2018Great advice! I drank raspberry leaf tea when trying to get pregnant!
Farah Sheikh
November 7, 2018Thanks, Jen! My baby practically came flying out of me. A bit scary but it all worked out in the end 🙂
November 21, 2018Hi! Just tried your method.. Hoping it puts me into labor tonight! I was anxious so I’m onto my 3rd cup (haven’t been waiting the 4 to 5 hrs as recommended).. Do you have any other tips?
Farah Sheikh
November 21, 2018Hi Mira!
I am SO excited for you! How far along are you? Is this your first? OMG, I feel like coming over and help you through in any way I can! Do you have a birthing ball? Just bouncing on it would be a great way to stimulate movement. Are you steeping the house for 1-2 hours? It has to be VERY strong and potent. I actually wrote a post all about how to go into labor naturally. There are lots of tips on there such as how to safely use the castor oil method. I am sure this tea did it for me, however. Can you please come back and tell me how everything went once baby arrives? I would love to hear about your birth story and how you went into labor. Do you know if you’re having a boy or a girl? Oh, I’m just so excited for you. I probably won’t be able to sleep tonight haha! Sending lots of positive and healing vibes your way and praying that everything goes well!!! X
April 25, 2019Thanks for this nice post. …
August 15, 2019Brewing myself a batch right now, have a big tea pot so brewing three cups and letting it steep for the recommended hour. Also picked up a bottle of castor oil with hubby as a last resort. So ready to meet my princess, fingers crossed this works:)
Farah Sheikh
August 19, 2019Hi Esther! That’s awesome! I can’t wait for you to meet your little sweetie!! Let us know if any of the methods worked! Best wishes!
Farah Sheikh
November 6, 2019That’s great Esther! Sending you lots of positive vibes for a safe and speedy delivery!
September 8, 2019I’ve actually read of women drinking this tea for the duration of their pregnancies (after the first trimester). Is that not recommended? I’ve never heard of it inducing labor, but I’m so glad you shared your experiences!
Farah Sheikh
November 6, 2019Thanks Abri! My OB told me to start drinking it in the 3rd trimester just to be extra cautious.Raspberry leaf is so strong so better to be safe than sorry, I suppose. Thanks for reading!
September 12, 2019A long time ago,my Dr said to begin raspberry herbs 10 days prior to due date. It was not in tea form, but capsules. I was due the 16th, started capsules on the 6th, labor began the 7th, baby was born on MY birthday, the 8th. For 1st baby, 5 hrs in the hospital was rather quick. There must be something to the method!
Farah Sheikh
November 6, 2019That’s amazing, Kristen! Raspberry Leaf is very strong and I truly think there is something to the method as well. Glad you had a safe and fast delivery!
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January 22, 2020Keep this going please, great job!| а
SEO Affiliate
January 31, 2020Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂
Monica Garcia
February 18, 2020Just drank a cup for the first time at 38+1 and tomorrow i will try your method but i will let it sit for one hour only. Doc will be giving me my induction date tomorrow and i really don’t want to be induced 😖 first induction didn’t go to well kinda terrified this second time around! Also im tired of being pregnant 😅 this momma is ready to meet her daughter!!! ❤️
May 27, 2020Do this tea help to jump start labor
Or if just help to have a easy n painless birth even if you 2cm would it work
August 5, 2020I’m 41 weeks and so I’m drinking the tea now mixed with hibiscus. Hopefully baby will come soon!! 🙂
Farah Sheikh
September 28, 2021Hi Aileen,
I hope the tea helped! Congratulations on your new baby!
April 11, 2022For fertility when do you suggest drinking it? I have read only drink it from day after your cycle to ovulation. Do you agree?